You are currently browsing the monthly archive for June 2011.

I’ve been back in training mode for a week now and it’s feeling great.  I’m always experimenting with different ways to keep myself motivated and on track, and I’ve found one that seems to be working well.

I made myself a weekly goal chart:

I have two “rewards” for myself.  One if I finish the week with all the white boxes checked, and another if I end with extras checked.  Seeing as I’m a perfectionist and an overachiever, I don’t want to end the week without checking all the boxes, so I’ve been getting out and doing all the things that I said I was going to do.  Last week, I did all my lifting, all my swimming, all my running, and took the dogs for a long walk every single day.  This was a HUGE improvement over the last several weeks.  I definitely found myself snapping out of a lazy funk and saying, “okay, I HAVE to go do this right now or I’m going to regret it later.”


On a side note:  I LOVE DOGS.  So much so that I have two.  BUT, when people leave their dogs unattended in their front yards and I’m out running or walking with mine, that is NOT COOL.  Last night my husband and I were out running/biking with the dogs and a random dog came tearing out of its yard and started going nuts in the middle of the road at Jade and Rocket.  The owner was nowhere to be seen.  I ended up having to scream “PLEASE COME GET YOUR DOG!” at the top of my lungs.  Twice.  After the first time the woman came to the door and stood there and watched.

After she got her dog, there was no “hey, sorry about that” or anything even spoken to us.  I was shocked.  If either of our dogs had chased down another dog, I would be apologizing profusely.  Who doesn’t apologize after something like that?

Rant over.

I hate to end on a rant, but I’m tired and need to get to bed so I can run in the morning tomorrow.  This summer weather is killer for afternoon runs.

Well, that’s not true.  I did take two weeks off.

The other night, I registered for marathon #3.  It’s funny – two years ago, I had never even considered running a marathon.  The thought had never even come close to crossing my mind.  Now, I’m addicted.

There seem to be two types of marathoners.  There’s the person who runs one, crosses the finish line, and says “never again!”  Then there’s the person who runs one, crosses the finish line, and says “when’s the next one??”  I immediately fell into the second group.  As soon as I crossed the finish line at Schroon last year, I thought “oh I can do better than that!”  And I’ve been going ever since.

I had been trying to decide what marathon I wanted to do this fall.  There’s so many great ones, it’s hard to pick.  But my heart lies in Schroon Lake.  I absolutely loved that race last year.  It’s beautiful, challenging, and really well organized and supported.  So I signed up to run it again this fall.  Seeing as it was my first marathon, and it’s not far from where I live, I kind of feel like it’s my home turf.  Which makes it all the more appealing.  (Also, less expensive since we don’t have to travel for it.)

So as of this week, I’m back into full training mode.  I didn’t have the soreness that I did after my first marathon, and I recovered very quickly, so that was a pleasant surprise.  Now that it’s summer and I’m not teaching my regular full courseload, I have some more free time so I can really train properly.  I can’t wait to train well and see what I’m really capable of.  So here’s the training plan:

  • Run: 4 times a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, long run on the weekend)
  • Lift: New Rules of Lifting for Women, 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • Swim (cross training): 2 times a week (Monday, Friday)

I also went a little overboard with my eating while I was training for Buffalo (runger is a bitch) and gained about 5 pounds.  So I really need to get that in check as well.  It makes me feel so sluggish when I run.  But I’ll get back to normal soon enough.

It’s my veganiversary!  It’s hard to believe it’s been a whole year since I made the switch from vegetarian to vegan.  I’ve been in a real food rut since we moved into the new house at the beginning of April (empty fridge + house projects = no motivation to get groceries and toast with peanut butter for nearly every meal).  But now seems like the perfect time to shake up my diet and try out some new recipes (and some old favorites, of course).  When I first went vegan a year ago, I was so excited by all the great foods I was discovering.  It’s time to rediscover that excitement.

I’ve felt inspired over the last few days to start incorporating some more beauty into my life.  Everything has been very hectic over the last couple months with moving and setting up the new house, and then house projects getting underway.  Many things have fallen by the wayside.  But now I have a nice camera (thanks mom and dad!!!) and a house that actually has WINDOWS so there’s lots of natural light!  So I think it’s time to start incorporating a bit more food porn into my blog.  I know I really need to work on my photography, so it will be a learning experience.  Bear with me.

So I’ve been exploring vegan food for one year… Here’s my favorite resources thus far:




I would make a list of my favorite recipes, but there’s been so many it’s hard to narrow it down.  So here’s just a couple of the all-stars.  These are things that have made their way into our regular dinner rotation:

And of course, some treats:

I’ve spent a year exploring vegan food so far and I have absolutely loved it.  I’ve been surprised (initially) and thrilled with all the exciting foods that suddenly appeared in my world.  Going vegan made me, a formerly VERY picky eater (just ask my mom), open my mind and try all sorts of things that I would never have touched in a million years.  I’ve discovered lots of new favorite foods, and a few that I just plain don’t like (if anyone can make me like celariac, you win).  I’ve really enjoyed my first year exploring vegan food, and I’m looking forward to many more!

Need to contact me?

geonerdette at gmail dot com


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